Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

Formula | Add a formula

1. Go to the purple formula library module
2. On the first tab: "Formula" press " Add" in the right top corner
3. Enter a formula code and a formula name.
    NOTE: if the formula is used as a leave-on product, tick the box "Leave on"
4. On the tab "Composition" you can now enter your formula / recipe

For each raw material in your formula / recipe:
5. Press "Add" on the right side next to the lower white window
6. Search if the raw material trade name already exists. If not, you need to add a new one.
    There are multiple options to search a raw material:
   - the name as you entered it can be used or part of the beginning of the name
   - parts of names may be searched by starting the search term with a "%"
   - It is also possible to press the magnifying glass at the right side of the search fields and
     search by CAS nr., manufacturer or supplier.
7. Enter the percentage of raw material that you use in your recipe
8. Optionally, you can enter the function of the ingredient in the specific product you are entering.
    For instance Olive oil can have a function as emollient or as a solvent. It can also be perfuming.
9. NOTE: the total of your formula must always be 100%

When all raw materials have been entered:
10. Enter the relevant properties under "Formula properties". Always enter a value for Appearance
      and Colour. For water-based products, a pH is important. For products that contain ethanol or
      other flammable solvents, the flashpoint is important.
11. Load the method for making your formula at the tab "Manufacturing".
      If you have a GMP statement, it can also be loaded on this tab.
12. Load the stability data that you have for your product on the tab "stability".
     With this data you must prove that the product is stable for over 30 months, or for the hourglass,
     the amount of months that the product is stable after production.
13. Enter data regarding microbiological analysis under "Microstability tests". Please note that there are
     cases where a miscrostability analysis is not applicable. In that case, chosse one of the NA options that
     are found in the validity menu.
14. If you make claims on the product, substantiate these claims on the tab " Clinical tests and claims".
     You can also load the report of any clinical test that was done with your product on this tab.

Formula | Add a premix

1. Go to the purple formula library module
2. On the first tab: "Formula" press " Add" in the right top corner
3. Enter a formula code and a formula name AND Tick the box "use as a premix"
4. On the tab "Composition" you can now enter your recipe

For each raw material in your formula / recipe:
5. First press "Add" on the right side next to the lower white window
6. Search if the raw material trade name already exists. If not, you need to add a new one.
    There are multiple options to search a raw material:
   - the name as you entered it can be used or part of the beginning of the name
   - parts of names may be searched by starting the search term with a "%"
   - It is also possible to press the magnifying glass at the right side of the search fields and
     search by CAS nr., manufacturer or supplier.
7. Enter the percentage of raw material that you use in your recipe
8. Optionally, you can enter the function of the ingredient in the specific product you are entering.
    For instance Olive oil can have a function as emollient or as a solvent. It can also be perfuming.
9. NOTE: the total of your formula must always be 100%

When all raw materials have been entered:
10. If you test you premix for certain properties, these can be entered under "Formula properties".
      You only need to enter the data which is known to you.
11. Load the method for the manufacturing of your premix at the tab "Manufacturing"
12. If you have stability data, this should be loaded at the tab "Stability"
13. If you have data regarding microbiological analysis this can be loaded under "Microstability tests"

Raw materials | Add raw material composition

1. Go to the light-blue raw materials module and go to the tab "Composition"
2. At the right side of the white window in the middle of the tab: press "Add"
3. There are multiple options to search if a substance that is present in the raw material database:
    - a CAS number may be entered in the top-field
    - a substance / chemical name can be entered in the field below
    - it is also possible to use the magnifying glass at the right side of the search fields, which allows
      to search by INCI name or by EC number.
    NOTE: Parts of names may be searched by starting the search term with a "%"
4. Add the percentage of the substance in the raw material. In case the supplier gives a range you can enter the exact middle value, or if it concerns a contaminant, our poilcy is to choose the upper limit.
5. On the right side add the range that was given by the supplier. It is possible to ask CHESSOL to calculate the Margins of Safety always using the upper limit.
6. Press "Save" right next the white composition table.

Raw materials | Add / upload regulatory documents

1. In the light-blue Raw Materials module, go to the tab "Regulatory"
2. At the right side of the "Documentation" section at the bottom of the tab: press "Add"
3. Next to the add-button: select the document type (e.g. SDS) and enter the date the document was created.
4. Upload the document in PDF format by clicking on the arrow in the circle (in edit modus, this button is red). Select the document from your computer, and press save.

In order to substantiate the raw material composition (the substances which are present in the raw material), at least one document must be loaded per raw material.

It is very common to have a SDS combined with a specification. Depending on the nature of the raw material, other documents may be mandatory to comply with the cosmetics regulation (e.g. pesticide statements, purity statements, etc.). Please upload all documents available.

For perfumes used in cosmetic products, an allergen declaration is mandatory together with either an IFRA / EFFA statement or the complete (100%) composition.

NB: In the case your company name is mentioned on the document (this is quite common for certificates of analysis), it is advisory to enter the raw material as confidential by ticking the Confidential box on the first tab: "Raw material data".

Raw materials | Add properties

In order to describe the quality of your raw material, authorities require a specification of the raw material.

1. In the light-blue raw materials module, go to the tab "Properties"
2. At the right side of the white window press "Edit"
3. Enter the data which is known / available.
NOTE: You may find data in chapter 9 of the SDS, on the raw material specification or on a certificate of analysis.

Tips & tricks | Search

In every module-browse there are several search fields available. By default, the search is done on 'Begins with'. When you want to look for a text-string anywhere in the field you are searching on, you can use the '%' character. So, if you search for %limo% in the chemical name, you will get all chemicals with the text 'limo' anywhere in the name.

Technical | CHESSOL does not start (using the Desktop icon)

If you use a CHESSOL icon on your Desktop to launch the CHESSOL application and CHESSOL does not start (anymore), this most probably is caused by an update of Java. With the latest release(s) of Java, the default "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath" is no longer supported.

To solve this, change the properties of your CHESSOL icon as mentioned below:
- Target: javaws.exe https://www.chessol.nl/chessol/chessol-en.jnlp
- Start in: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_151\bin"
NOTE: Please check the path for 'Start in'. If the Java version on your workstation is different, this should be adapted. The double quotes are very important.

Technical | Reports - PDF could not be created

When you get this message when you try to open a CHESSOL report, most probably the directory c:/tmp is missing on your workstation. This directory is required to temporarily store the pdf file when it is downloaded from the server. Once downloaded, the PDF is automatically opened with your default PDF reader. If creating c:/tmp does not solve the problem, it is also possible this setting is set to a different value for you. In this case, please contact us.

Technical | Requirements to use CHESSOL

CHESSOL is running on highly guarded servers in two datacenters of the Chessol Group. CHESSOL is available as cloud software, which means no hardware or software installation is required. You also don't have to worry about updates or backups, this is all taken care of by our IT department. You only need to have the following:
- a workstation with a reliable / good internet connection
- a workstation with the latest version of Java installed (www.java.com)
- screen/monitor with a (prefered) screen-resolution of 1280x900 pixels or more. Dual monitor setup is even better of course.

If you were not able to find the answer to your question(s) on this page, please contact us.

Kind regards,